Standard high accuracy

The RAVAS ProLine-5200 Li has built-in patented FlexBolts. These allow you to measure with increments of 100 gr. Add a rotating indicator, OIML availability, various types of connectivity and you have a customized weighing hand pallet truck for industrial use. These characteristics offer you one of the best solutions for fine dosing, warehousing and batching applications. 

For industrial applications

Standard FlexBolts

Superb accuracy

Thanks to the use of patented FlexBolts the ProLine-5200 Li is able to measure with increments of 100 gr.

Rotating indicator

The indicator in stainless steel housing can be rotated forward when the operator is standing beside the fork. 

Lithium-ion powered

The 5Ah Li-ion battery pack can be recharged. Because of the power save functions, the Li-ion battery pack offers 25 real working hours.

Option: OIML approved

The RAVAS ProLine-5200 Li hand pallet truck scale can be OIML approved for commercial transactions, allowing you to invoice your customer by weight.

The ProLine-5200 Li weighing pallet truck

An advanced weighing hand pallet truck with customer-specific functions. View the extensive benefits, functions, technical specifications and options.

Download the ProLine-5200 Li Technical Specs
Proline 5200 Technical Specification EU
Weighing capacity
2,000 kg
LCD dual color with backlight
RS232 port or additional port for Bluetooth or WiFi
Legal for trade
Optional OIML III version
Fork dimensions
Available in different fork dimensions