Weighing with a RAVAS-2100L EXi in atex zone 1&21

Weighing in a reactor room of the CML production plant works as follows: the pallet carrying a drum filled with raw materials is picked up by a RAVAS-2100L EXi hand pallet truck scale and driven into the reactor room. The required quantity of raw material is then pumped out of the drum, into the reactor vessel, using a vacuum pump. If several components are used in the batching routine, the action will be repeated until the reactor contains the correct amounts and components, mixed by weight. After filling the reactor vessel, the drums are transported back to the warehouse, so the reactor room is free of materials and equipment.

CML also uses a platform scale. The disadvantage is that the platform is large, takes up a lot of valuable working space, and is difficult to clean. The RAVAS-2100L EXi mobile scale is present in the reactor room only when it’s used.

Weighing with a RAVAS-2100L EXi in atex zone 1&21

Weighing in a reactor room of the CML production plant works as follows: the pallet carrying a drum filled with raw materials is picked up by a RAVAS-2100L EXi hand pallet truck scale and driven into the reactor room. The required quantity of raw material is then pumped out of the drum, into the reactor vessel, using a vacuum pump. If several components are used in the batching routine, the action will be repeated until the reactor contains the correct amounts and components, mixed by weight. After filling the reactor vessel, the drums are transported back to the warehouse, so the reactor room is free of materials and equipment.

CML also uses a platform scale. The disadvantage is that the platform is large, takes up a lot of valuable working space, and is difficult to clean. The RAVAS-2100L EXi mobile scale is present in the reactor room only when it’s used.

Quantidade exata de matéria-prima

A CML Europe tem o seu próprio serviço de medição que verifica a precisão da medição e controla o equipamento a cada duas semanas. O RAVAS-2100L EXi recai sobre o seu serviço de controlo pois a pesagem de quantidades de matéria-prima é da maior importância.


Referenties | Groenendal Standbouw


CML Europe

Weert, The Netherlands

Doseamento & Mistura


Doseamento & Mistura
Quando produz lotes de produto semiacabado ou acabado, o objetivo é misturar corretamente os diferentes ingredientes e componentes. Quantidades e proporções determinam a qualidade do produto. Uma balança móvel ajuda-o a produzir com menor custo, maior segurança e eficiência. Isso também gera a informação que necessita para o controlo de qualidade e para acompanhar e rastrear procedimentos. A balança é levada aos componentes: num porta-paletes balança o recipiente de mistura é conduzido de um ingrediente para os próximos e os componentes são doseados a partir do contentor. O risco de estrago ou perda do produto é grandemente reduzido.

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